Winter of Death Posters I & II

The COOL ZONE presents: another edition to the poster series no one wanted then and even less want it now! WINTER OF DEATH part 1!

Remember early in that one winter we were on the eve of vaccines, ICUs across the country were filled, and we collectively accepted that 300,000 bodies just isn’t enough to fire anyone over or set anything on fire over? Why would you want to?

300,000 dead Americans just isn’t what it used to be!

Absolutely everyone in charge did the least but did it the best they could so that their friends and cousins in healthcare companies and all corporations couldn’t be sued for 300,000 bodies piling up for no reason by people without jobs and homes!


Summer of Death Posters

“The COOL ZONE presents: Some posters back at the demand of no one, that you would never want to hang anywhere. SUMMER OF DEATH I & II (III died).

Remember that one summer thousands of people died for no reason? Why would you want to?

Absolutely no one in charge did the best they could!
